Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Here is an excerpt from a book that shows the mindset of competitor -- someone who is serious about being the best they can be.  It also shows the mindset of a coach that recognized greatest in someone and was determined to get the best out of that athlete.  It's a story of Dean Smith and Michael Jordan.
If anything, some thought, Dean Smith was a little harder on Jordan every day in practice then he was on other young players, as if accepting his greater possibilities and his own limitless ambition and holding him to it, setting higher standards for him than for the others. Roy Williams was also always pushing Jordan to work harder in practice. “I’m working as hard as everyone else,” Jordan answered.
“But Michael, you told me you wanted to be the best,” Williams once reminded him. “And if you want to be the best, then you have to work harder than everyone else.” There was, Williams thought, a long pause, while Jordan pondered that. Finally he said, “Coach, I understand.”

From "Playing For Keeps" by David Halberstam