*Not a single starter for either team in Super Bowl XLIX
was rated a five-star recruit out of high school.
*Taken from "Above The Line" by Urban Meyer
Frank Shellenback (William's manager) was impressed early on by Williams's work ethic, drive and determination. After home games Ted would ask Shellenback for a couple of old baseballs. When the manager asked what he did with them, Ted said he used them for extra batting practice after dinner at the park near his house. Shellenback found that hard to believe, having seen Ted come in to Lane Field at ten in the morning for extra hitting in addition to the regular workout every day. As Shellenback told the Boston Herald's Arthur Sampson in 1949, one evening he drove to Williams's neighborhood to investigate and saw the rookie "driving those two battered baseballs off over the field. Ted was standing close to a rock which served as home plate. One kid was pitching to I'm. A half dozen others were shagging drives. The field was rough and stony. The baseball I had given him were already showing signs of wear. The stitching was falling apart. The covers were rough as sandpaper. Blood was trickling from Williams's hands as he dripped a chipped bat. But he kept swinging. And hitting. Ted made himself the great baseball players he is today."