Monday, May 26, 2014


Unconscious & Incompetent: These types of players "don’t know that they don’t know." They aren’t even aware that they don’t have a feel for the game. These players aren’t going to contribute on a winning team.
Conscious & Incompetent: These players now realize that "they know they don’t have it." These players still don’t have a feel for the game and are lacking in the skill department but they realize where their weaknesses are and can now begin to improve  Awareness is the beginning of correction.
Conscious & Competent: At this level of development, the player is able to perform various skills (competent), but he / she must think about everything that he is doing before performing the skill; i.e. catch the ball, go into triple threat, direct drive, etc.  You know, but you don’t flow. Very robotic.

Unconscious & Competent: The most difficult level to reach, this player can perform the skills without having to think about them. For this type of player, the game naturally "flows."

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


As a player, what can you learn from Kevin Durrant's MVP acceptance speech?

1. You can see a true vision of what humility looks like and sounds like.

2. You can see how an MVP takes an individual award and turn it into a team award.

3. You can see from text messages, written notes and conversations, how teammates can lift a player to a higher level.

4. The importance of family.

5. Preparation -- in terms of what he wanted to say and the message he wanted to convey.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


The following is an excerpt of a story on the Clippers Blake Griffin that was written by Robert Morales of the Long Beach Telegraph.  The story speaks to how Griffin has not only heard about the work ethic of the great players before him but has used it to model his own work ethic.

“I’ve heard millions of Kobe (Bryant) stories about late-night workouts,” said Griffin, whose team takes on Detroit on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at Staples Center. “One I heard, one time I guess he was in Italy and called Marco Belinelli (of the Spurs) at like 1, 2 o’clock in the morning and asked him if he had a gym for him, and so Marco found him one and he went there to shoot with him.

“And he (Belinelli) was like, ‘I thought we were going to just get some shots up, but we had like a full workout.’ Things like that. That’s work ethic, real worth ethic. It’s not just coming in when you have to and going hard. It’s doing extra, going above and beyond.”

Griffin hangs his hat on that credo.

“Work ethic has always been a big part of what I do,” he said. “I’m a firm believer, the more work you put in, the more you get out. You know, I love hearing stories about the Kobe’s and the LeBron’s and back in the day, Michael Jordan, how they work and how sometimes they’re a little different about it. That’s what makes them unique.”